sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

HPLC de Macromoléculas: Un enfoque práctico

HPLC of Macromolecules: A Practical Approach by: R.W.A. Oliver
Publisher: IRL Press | ISBN: 1852210672 | 1988-01 | Pages: 250 | DJVU | 2.8 MB
HPLC de Macromoléculas: Un enfoque práctico.
HPLC stands for high pressure (or performance) liquid chromatography, and is a standard biochemical technique for separating molecules. This volume covers the larger biomolecules - oligosaccharides, glycopeptides, oligonucleotides, polypeptides, and proteins - and includes the latest advances in microbore and packed capillary technology, and in the use of mass spectrometric detection.
Está en DJVU; por tanto, use un lector de djvu (ej.: STDU viewer, etc.)

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